Sunday, May 21, 2006

This Is How They Spend Our Money

It seems like the water companies are everybody's favourite whipping boys at the moment. IMHO, they deserve to be in that position. The picture above was taken the day after a leak was fixed on the road through the village. The road was clearly caving in and water was visibly seeping up. Over the next few days it became progressively worse, to the point that one of the neighbours contacted the Highways Agency to report it as a danger to motorists. A week later, the road was repaired again, but once again became depressed. It was patched up for a third time and has once again started to depress!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Bluebells, Bluebells and More Bluebells!

If there was any doubt that spring was here it has now been expelled. I went out early this morning and the woods are now carpeted with beautiful Bluebells. Every where you look the trees and bushes are flowering. It really is a feast for the eyes!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

At Last!

At long last, Spring is well and truly here! Suddenly, over that last few days, all the trees have burst in to leaf. The range of colours is amazing, with rich, fresh leaves on many different trees and bushes. Temperatures are expected to reach 25 degrees this afternoon!

It was fantastic this morning, watching Swifts, Swallows and House Martins soaring high into the air for insects.