Friday, March 10, 2006

A Bird of Many Names

The Lapwing (a.k.a. Peewit or Green Plover) is a bird I remember dearly from my childhood. Their signature call, which gives rise to their alternative name of Peewit, used to accompany my brother and I on our fishing trips to nearby ponds. Watching their erratic flight, with sudden swoops and dives was often more entertaining than watching our floats! As Autumn grew near, large flocks of Lapwings would gather until they eventually departed on their short migration.

For me it is sad to see that the breeding population has declined by a staggering 49% in the past 11 years. As with many native birds, changes to traditional agricultural methods have had a devastating consequence for the Lapwing. In recent years farmers have started sowing cereal crops in the Autumn, whereas traditionally they would plant in the Spring. For the Lapwing this simple act has meant that these crops are too tall during their breeding season.

I recently visited the RSPB Reserve at Otmoor, Oxfordshire. Besides the great variety of ducks in residence, I spent a while watching this Lapwing (approx 3Mb) feeding.


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